Building an Ethical Business

Welcome to the Ethical Leadership for Business Transformation course—a transformative journey crafted for visionary leaders like you who are determined to make a positive impact on the world through ethical business practices. If you're a solopreneur, business owner, or aspiring leader, this course is your compass to navigate the evolving landscape of responsible leadership.
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Self led courses by Lucienne Miller

why choose this course?

  • 🌐 Global Ethical Frameworks: Understand ethical guidelines that transcend borders, enabling you to create an ethical business with a global footprint.
  • 🌟 Elevate Your Leadership: Develop the skills to lead with integrity and make ethical decisions that resonate with your values, fostering a culture of responsible leadership. Grounded in the latest research.
  • 🌈 Positive Workplace Culture: Unlock the potential of positive organizational psychology techniques to enhance employee well-being, engagement, and productivity.
  • 🌍 Social Responsibility Impact: Drive positive societal change, from community engagement to environmental sustainability.
🚀 Strategic Vision Crafting: Craft a visionary organizational future that ignites growth, innovation, and resilience in an ever-changing business landscape.

Your Journey Starts Here:

Enroll now in this empowering course and become a force for ethical change. Transform your business, elevate your leadership, and create a brighter, sustainable future—one ethical decision at a time.

Invest in Your Future. Transform Your Business. Lead Ethically.

Develop your
professional skills

Boost your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional. Learn the tools used by the world's top professionals. Learn more below.

take the leap

In a world where the ethical compass of businesses is being scrutinized more than ever, true leaders are stepping up to the plate. They understand that it's not just about profits; it's about purpose, people, and the planet. If you're one of those visionary leaders who aspire to make a lasting impact, the Self-Led Ethical Business Course is your ticket to transformation.

Why Invest in Ethical Leadership?

Integrity Matters: Ethical leadership isn't a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of enduring success. It's about doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. This course will equip you with the tools to lead with integrity in every decision you make.

Global Relevance: In today's interconnected world, ethical leadership transcends borders. You'll learn to apply international ethical frameworks, ensuring your business has a positive impact on a global scale.

Happy, Productive Teams: Positive organizational psychology techniques aren't just a feel-good notion; they're a recipe for a motivated, engaged, and productive workforce. Discover how to create a workplace where people thrive.

Visionary Leadership: Crafting a compelling vision isn't reserved for Fortune 500 CEOs. This course will empower you to envision a future where your business not only survives but thrives amid change and uncertainty.

Social Responsibility: The world needs leaders who take responsibility for their impact. From community engagement to sustainability, you'll explore how to be a force for positive change.
Don't hesitate

Investing in ethical leadership isn't just an investment in your business; it's an investment in a better world. Be the leader who doesn't just talk about change but drives it. Enroll in the Self-Led Ethical Business Course and embark on a journey that will redefine your leadership and your legacy.

Frequently asked questions

Why self-led learning? 

Flexibility: Learn at your own pace, fitting your studies around your busy schedule. No need to disrupt your life to upskill.
Practical Application: This course is designed for action-takers. Apply what you learn immediately, seeing the positive changes in your leadership and business.
No Boundaries: Wherever you are in the world, this course is accessible to you. The knowledge you gain knows no geographical limits.

Who is this course suitable for?

This course is designed for a diverse audience, including business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, and anyone interested in ethical leadership and sustainable business practices. It's ideal for those who want to lead with integrity, make a positive impact on society, and align their business with global ethical standards.

Can I complete this course at my own pace?

Yes, absolutely! The Self-Led Ethical Business Course is designed to accommodate your schedule and learning preferences. You have the flexibility to study at your own pace, allowing you to balance your professional and personal commitments.


This course offers practical insights and strategies that can directly benefit your business. You'll learn how to create a positive workplace culture that enhances employee well-being and productivity. You'll also gain the tools to make ethically sound decisions that resonate with your values, which can lead to enhanced customer loyalty and trust. Additionally, the course explores sustainable practices that can reduce operational costs and improve your business's environmental footprint.

Is this course suitable for individuals outside of traditional corporate settings?

YAbsolutely. While the course does address leadership in business contexts, the principles of ethical leadership are applicable across various domains. Whether you're leading a non-profit organisation, a community initiative, or even a personal project, the ethical leadership skills and strategies you'll acquire in this course can be adapted to different settings. It's about fostering a mindset of responsibility, integrity, and positive impact, regardless of the specific context.

Can my organisation purchase multiple seats for this course?

Yes, your organisation can certainly purchase multiple seats for the Self-Led Ethical Business Course. We offer flexible corporate licensing options to accommodate your specific needs and the number of employees you wish to enroll.

Are there any discounts available for bulk purchases?

We do offer competitive pricing and discounts for bulk purchases. The exact discount will depend on the number of seats you require. Please get in touch with our team to discuss pricing options tailored to your organisation.

Can we track the progress and performance of our employees taking the course?

Yes, we provide tracking and reporting capabilities for corporate clients. You'll have access to a reporting where you can monitor the progress and performance of your employees, including course completion rates and assessment scores.


We understand that each organisation has unique values and objectives. While the core course content remains consistent, we offer options for limited customization to align with your organization's specific goals and ethical values. Please contact our team to discuss customisation options.


To begin the process of purchasing multiple seats for your organisation, please reach out to our team. They will guide you through the enrollment process, pricing details, and any customization options you may require. We look forward to helping your organization embark on this ethical leadership journey.

Is technical support available for our employees while they're taking the course?

Yes, technical support is available to assist your employees with any issues or questions they may encounter while accessing the course. Our support team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth learning experience for all participants.


  • 6 Distinct topics
  • 1 Certification
  • 8 Hours of Video Learning
  • 10 Frameworks
  • 32 PDF
  • 24 Audio

Lay strong foundations

You will learn the basics of ethical business practices. From understanding ethical structures to laying ethical business foundations that help you scale.


Uncover the magic in authentic leadership. Often we get caught up in the practicalities of business, forgetting that excellent businesses are built on heart led leadership.
Meet the instructor

Lucienne Miller (Lucie)

Lucienne is a seasoned business start up expert and training facilitator. Having spent a decade teaching 'Business Start Up' for 1000's or soloprenaurs and small businesses. Additionally Lucie has spent 15 years mentoring business leaders, spending the last 3 years working with mid sized ethical organisations on their human-focused leadership development and workplace well-being. Lucie has a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, focused on positive organisations and the neuroscience of well-being. Additionally she is trained in NLP and Community based resilience training.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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