Positive Organisations

Building organisations for  peak performance

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Positive Organisations:
Training Day

Do what you've always done - get what you've always got. It's impossible to build organisations fit for the future if you're working in the traditional business structure. Historically organisations have led through a production line efficiency, viewing teams members as a cog in a overarching machine. The role is to turn up, do the job and then leave. A workbot. As humanity is left at the door, organisations have continuously battled with ever increasing absenteeism and presenteeism and a depleted and unengaged work force costing the UK economy £53-56 billion in 2020/21. Deloitte  The biggest portion of this coming from presenteeism. (coming into work when we're not feeling our best, then not performing well) For business to thrive, we need to reimagine the way we see and do business. This training day introduces Positive Organisations, how we can build businesses that are designed around human flourishing. Creating an environment where people can bring their whole selves to work and ditch the workbot. How we can build spaces for increased productivity, social consciousness and an environment of safety and belonging, where people can bring their whole identity to work, which converts to increased business success and overall financial health. (Plus we just think its imperative peoples wellbeing and potential to be at the heart of all that organisations do)!

This days training is designed to give you the background, understanding and tools to build a team or business in a way that supports individual and collective thriving. 

All training is trauma and neurodivergent informed

This training is for you if;

This training day is designed to teach you the importance and mechanics of Positive Organisations. In a fast paced and volatile world leaders are looking for ways to support team whilst also improving engagement and productivity issues. This day gives the knowledge and skills to facilitate change through human development.

 You are interested in revolutionising the corporate world from the inside out
 You are passionate about supporting your team mates as humans, not workbots
 You are looking for ways to increase organisational productivity and engagement in a supportive manner
 You want to humanise the work place
 You want to move past the 'belief barriers' that stop you from leading from the person instead of the role
 Science based and research driven information gives you confidence to make change
 Gain deeper insight and clarity around what drives you and your team 

Learning Outcomes

This days training has been designed to give maximum content and support for those who are time poor and in high stress environment's
 Understand the difference between traditional business models and Positive Organisations 
 Understand the importance of not only leading from a heart lead position but working on organisational culture in its entirety (it doesn't have to be overwhelming)
 Learn the theory and results underpinning positive organisations
 You will develop a language for change and understand the importance of psychological safety
 Gain deeper insight and clarity to how you view organisation and people, recognising and reframing limiting beliefs
 Set up cultures and communication loops for increasing productivity and connection
 Learn how physical and mental health can deteriorate under poor direction but flourish under 'human' leadership
 Understand the neuroscience of positive leadership
 Be able to take actionable steps immediately to support team wellbeing and performance while slowly shifting culture

Whats included?

  • Learning Platform & App Access
  • Resources & Learning Materials
  • Certificate of Completion and LinkedIn Attendance Badge
  • Condensed learning over one day to support you manage limited time effectively
  • Email q & a support for the month following training
  • Access to a community of like minded leaders positively disrupting traditional business


Got Questions? Need help getting access in your school? Interested in multiple or group bookings? Send an email here with subject 'Positive Organisations'

09th sept 2024 @ 10:00-17:03 CET/ 09:00-16:30 UK

Course Reviews

LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities.
Meryl Manning
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